In response to the application made, the government decided to allot a plot of 50 acres of the Cantonment Road for the school. The place, however, was considered too far out for the Old Delhi Boys, so the government was requested to select a more suitable site near the new city. It was intended to build the school in North Delhi and provide accommodation for about 200 resident boys with staff quarters and ample playfields.
Negotiations with the government for a site continued for several years. In 1930, the present site, covering an area of 25 acres of land was handed over to the school authorities. On 4th August of the same year, the lease was registered.
In the summer of 1931, building operations commenced on the new site. The designs and plans were prepared by Messrs. C.G. and F.B. Blomfield, Architects. The foundation was laid on 24th April 1931, when the whole school, including the staff and several members of the Managing Committee, assembled at the site and each laid a brick on the foundation signifying the fact that the foundation was laid jointly by students, teachers and managers of the school.
On the 4th of January 1933, the building operations was formally inaugurated in the presence of students- present and past, teachers and managers by Sardar Bahadur Sir Sobha Singh.

School Building under construction

The Students marching from the old School at the time of Formal Entry to the new School, the Perfect Leading 4-1-1933

The Staff marching from the old School at the time of Formal Entry to the new School, 4-1-1933